ISSN 2410-7751 (Print)
ISSN 2410-776X (Online)
Р. 40-52, Bibliography 40, English
Universal Decimal Classification: 577.15.08: 543.9
Institute of Plant Physiology and Genetics of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, Kyiv
А microbial biopreparations, particularly for the leguminous, grains, industrial and other agricultural crops of Ukrainian as well as foreign production are analyzed. All biopreparations on the market of Ukraine may be divided into basic groups — growth-activating preparations, phytoprotective preparations, preparations for the accelerated decomposition of plant wastes, preparations for restoration and preservation of soil fertility (depending on the functional activity of a biological agent) as well as info mono- and complex biopreparations (depending on the number of components within them). Approaches to the creation of complex biopreparations and compositions based on biological agents — microorganisms with agronomically valuable properties, fungi, algae, biologically active metabolites of plants and microorganisms as well as microelements in chelated forms are considered to solve the following key environmental goals: getting organic crop production, restoration and preservation of soil fertility. The results of original research on the complex compositions based on nodule bacteria, rhizobacteria, microorganisms — destructors of xenobiotics, microbial (exopolysaccharides, exometabolites) and plant (phytolectins, extract of blue-green algae) metabolites for growth of legumes and grain cultures are presented. It is established that the complex biopreparations and compositions have more effective and stable action as compared to monoculture. The examples of biopreparations of a new generation which are created using the innovative technologies such as IGET Technology (Induced Gene Expression Triggers), LHO-promoter (lipohitooligosaccharides-promoter) technology, TOP-technology (technology osmoprotector) involving achievements of molecular and cell biology, nanotechnology as well as the modern solid carriers, adhesives, lipkogenes, formularies that provide high titer of microbial cells in biopreparations, close contact the bacterial cells with seeds when inoculated and continued prolonged viability of microorganisms on the seeds are given.
Key words: microbial biopreparations, agrarian market of Ukraine.
© Palladin Institute of Biochemistry of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, 2015
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