ISSN 2410-7751 (Print)
ISSN 2410-776X (Online)
"Biotechnologia Acta" v. 6, no. 1, 2013 10.15407/biotech6.01.022
Р. 22-33, Bibliography 67, Ukrainian.
Universal Decimal classification: 577.083.3+612.017.1.08
G. A. Lubchenko1, R. G. Morev2, L. S. Holodnaya1, L. I. Ostapchenko3
1Kyiv National Taras Shevchenko University
2International Center of Molecular Physiology of National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, Kyiv
3Institute of Biology of Kyiv National Taras Shevchenko University
Activation of immune cells is a key process in development of the specific immunity. The techniques for monitoring of the movement and the activity of signalling messengers and receptor proteins of lymphocytes in living cells and tissues are the methodological key for understanding the subtle mechanisms of the lymphocyte activation.
The signalling pathways in lymphocytes act as a system of phosphatases, protein kinases and calcium signalling. Signalling molecules change its structures, form complexes and move from one cell compartment to another to provide activation.
Peculiarities of molecular mechanisms of lymphocyte activation and properties of modern genetically encoded fluorescent proteins enable developing new immunological assays. Fluorescent proteins could be used as reporters, markers of the localization and donor-acceptor pairs for fluorescence resonance energy transfer. Multiple genetically encoded fluorescent recombinant proteins simultaneously expressed in one cell, in our opinion, will be widely and routinely used to study the signalling pathways of lymphocytes in vitro in the fields of pharmacy, molecular immunology, biotechnology and biomedicine.
Key words: lymphocytes activation, protein kinase, calcium, assay, fluorescent protein.
© Palladin Institute of Biochemistry of National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, 2008
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