ISSN 2410-7751 (Print)
ISSN 2410-776X (Online)
"Biotechnologia Acta" v. 6, no. 1, 2013 10.15407/biotech6.01.034
Р. 34-45, Bibliography 61, Russian.
Universal Decimal classification: 579.864.1:615.331
S. А. Starovoitova, O. I. Skrotska
National University of Food Technologies, Kyiv
Modern tendencies of recombinant microorganisms creation for obtaining on their basis a new effective biopreparations (probiotics) with wider spectrum of biological and therapeutic properties were considered. A lot of attention was focused on the main genera of perspective bacteria for creation of recombinant probiotics particularly: Lactococcus, Bifidobac terium,Bacillus, Escherichia. The main created Ukrainian and foreign gene-modified strains, that are widely used today in creation of effective recombinant biopreparations were characterized. Some fundamental directions and methods of gene-modified strains obtaining, which are used in getting effective biopreparations that used for therapy and prophylactic illness were reported, under which this group of pharmaceutical drugs were not used earlier. The safety matters of probiotics using on basis of genemodified strains were examined. Medical and veterinary biopreparations on basis of recombinant microorganisms could be used directly and effectively for therapy and prophylaxis of different illness, beginning from disbacteriosis up to cardiovascular diseases. It is related with some probiotic microorganisms ability for lowering of serum cholesterol at the host organism.
Key words: gene-modified microorganisms, recombinant probiotics, bacilli, bifidonacteria, lactococci, biopreparations.
© Palladin Institute of Biochemistry of National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, 2008
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