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ISSN 2410-7751 (Print)
ISSN 2410-776X (Online)

cover biotech acta general

Biotechnologia Acta V. 16, No. 1 , 2023
P. 67-75,  Bibliography 27, Engl.
UDC: 664.9; 639.21

Full text: (PDF, in English)


Ihor P. Palamarchuk, Mykola S. Nikolayenko, Anastasia O. Ivanyuta, Svitlana V.Zabolotnaya, Ivan M. Bal

National University of Life and Environmental Sciences of Ukraine, Kyiv

Aim. The purpose of the work was to study the nutritional value of siberian sturgeon caviar Acipenser baerii, grown in aquaculture conditions in the Dnieper reservoirs of Ukraine, and to compare its quality indicators with this product produced abroad.

Methods: There are identified organoleptic properties of siberian sturgeon caviar, and its energetic value, composition of amino acids in albumens and content of fatty acids in lipids of the product. The data obtained in the research were compared with the same indices of quality of caviar of sturgeons bred abroad.

Results. The organoleptic properties of siberian sturgeon caviar bred in Ukraine (appearance, color, consistency, taste and aroma) conformed to its standardized indices of quality. The caviar contained all eight essential amino acids and belonged to category of products rich by albumen (21.54±2.13%), and fats eicosapentaenoic and docosahexaenoic ω3 acids (3.46% and 11.2%, respectively) (13.20±0.93%). The big content of fat, especially of polyunsaturated fatty acids and ω-3 acids (the eicosapentaenoic and docosahexaenoic ones — 3.46% and 11.2%, respectively) is one more factor, which enables to identify the siberian sturgeon caviar as the product of high biological value. It was shown that the caviar of siberian sturgeon produced in Ukraine is in close coincidence with those that were produced in other countries.

Conclusions. The totality of studied characteristics of caviar of siberian sturgeon produced in Ukraine witnesses its high nutritional value. Therefore, this product may be recommended in prophylactics of numerous illnesses and strengthening of state of health.

Key words: siberian sturgeon caviar, aquaculture Ukraine, nutritional value, organoleptic properties essential amino acids, fatty acids.

© Palladin Institute of Biochemistry of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, 2023