"Biotechnologia Acta" V. 10, No 3, 2017
Р. 7-19, Bibliography 74, English
Universal Decimal Classification: (542.2:546.3-168):615.9
Leonenko N. S., Leonenko O. B.
State Organization “Institute of Occupational Medicine of the National Academy of Medical Sciences of Ukraine”, Kyiv
The review summarizes the literature data on the assessment of the toxic effects of nanoscale particles at various concentrations and routes of entry into the body. The toxic effect of nanoobjects is more complex and diverse in comparison with the effect of traditional toxicants (heavy metals, organic solvents, poisonous substances, etc.). Despite the growing amount of data, there are no unified approaches to studying the toxic effects of nanoscale particles. This requires the development of specific procedures for their toxicity assessing.
Key words: nanoparticles, methods of toxic effect assessment.
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46. Tochilkina L. P., Bocharova L. Ju., Sroslov M. S., Filatov B. N., Hodykina N. V. Experimental study of embryotoxicity of titanium nanooxide. Zh. “Medicina jekstremalnyh situacij”. 2014, 4 (50), 48–58. (In Russian).
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© Інститут біохімії ім. О. В. Палладіна НАН України, 2017