ISSN 2410-7751 (Print)
ISSN 2410-776X (Online)
"Biotechnologia Acta" v. 6, no. 3, 2013
Р. 116-120, Bibliography 19, Ukrainian.
Universal Decimal classification: 577.152.321
Donetsk national university, Ukraine
Activity of cellulolytic enzymes cultures Stereum hirsutum (Wild.) Gray, different nuclear status, depending on the substrate have been studied. The most productive by synthesis endoglucanases monokaryotic cultures of Sh1-4 and Sh7-2 were determined. It is found that nutrient medium containing filtering paper is optimal for synthesis of cellulase (culture Sh1-4, maximum of cellulolytic activity is 319 μМ/mg, culture Sh7-2 — 101 μМ/mg). Maximum of cellulolytic activity at cultivation with sawdust of trees for culture Sh1-4 observed at the 10th day was 142 ?М/mg (oak sawdust), for culture Sh7-2 at the 20th days it was 34 μМ/mg (ash-tree sawdust). Study of quality cellulolytic enzymes enabled to establishe presence of four exoenzymes of Cx complex with a relative electrophoretic mobility of 0.22; 0.24; 0.47; 0.74. Enzyme with relative electrophoretic mobility 0.47 showed high concentration and activity.
Key words: cellulolytic enzymes, Stereum hirsutum, monokaryotic cultures, electrophoresis of proteins.
© Palladin Institute of Biochemistry of National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, 2013
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