ISSN 2410-7751 (Print)
ISSN 2410-776X (Online)
"Biotechnologia Acta" v. 6, no. 1, 2013 10.15407/biotech6.01.097
Р. 97-104, Bibliography 10, Ukrainian.
Universal Decimal classification: 579.222
SO «Institute of Food Biotechnology and Genomics» of National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, Kyiv
Getting new, more productive strains of microorganisms that produce butanol is a topical problem. Studing of morphological and physiological characteristics of the isolated strains, improvement of their cultivation conditions, optimization of biobutanol synthesis gives the possibility to organize a cost-effective butanol production technology. The aim of this work was searching new butanol and butyric acid producer strains, their identification and studying the main steps of the selective strains biosynthesis. The objects of this study were microorganisms that had allocated from soils and sludges samples of Kiev’s lakes. Obtained cultures have been screened. Three strains were obtained as promising and identified as C. acetobutylicum, C. tyrobutylicum, C. butylicum. Selective medium have been developed and modified for the microorganisms. Producer’s features were investigated in order to maximize the accumulation of target metabolites.
Key words: biobutanol, biosynthesis, ABE-fermentation, producer strains.
© Palladin Institute of Biochemistry of National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, 2008
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