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ISSN 2410-776X (Online)
ISSN 2410-7751 (Print)

5 2021 200ps

Biotechnologia Acta, Т. 14, № 5 , 2021
P. 74-83, Bibliography 53, англ.
UDC: 618.146-006.52-036.2(09)


L. P. Buchatskyi, V. V. Stcherbyc

Taras Shevchenko Kyiv National University

Aim. The purpose of the work was to assess the probability of cancerous transformation of cells for viruses of high and low oncogenic risk.

Results. Using normalized squared error (NSE) for viruses of high (20 strains) and low (153 strains) oncogenic risk, rank statistic of 2-exponential type was build. For productive papillomavirus infection, NSE function was determined as the growing accurate 2-exponent of a cell layer basal to the epithelial surface. Logarithm of NSE numerical values is proportional to the cell entropy that is connected with the availability of virus DNA. To calculate entropy, generalized Hartley formula was used with the informational cell of dimension d: H = NdLOG(NSE), where N is the generalized cell coordinate.

Conclusions. Using a statistical ensemble of E6 proteins separately for viruses of high and low oncogenic risk made it possible to assess the probability of cancerous transformation of cells, which was proportional to the ratio of the area of entropy of cancer transformation to the area of the productive entropy region papillomavirus infection.

Key words: human papillomavirus infection, carcinogenesis, cumulative Hartley entropy.

© Palladin Institute of Biochemistry of National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, 2021