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ISSN 2410-7751 (Print)
ISSN 2410-776X (Online)

5 2021 200ps

Biotechnologia Acta  Т. 14, No. 5 , 2021
P. 21-37, Bibliography 101, Engl.
UDC: 577.1


 M. I. Kaniuk

Palladin Institute of Biochemistry of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, Kyiv

The use of multifunctional nanosystems in medicine and research is of contemporary interest.

Aim. The purpose of the work was to summarize publications on the prospects of creating and using nanocontainers based on curcumin (Cur). Cur fluorescence in nanoparticles (NP) makes it possible to investigate the distribution of fluorescent and non-fluorescent components, significantly accelerating the study and implementation of drugs in practice. Particular attention is paid to the use of hydrophobic substances in NP, to penetrate into a living cell.

Understanding the interaction of NP with living cells is extremely important when these particles are used to transport and deliver water-insoluble drugs to cells. Cur is one of the drugs with various and very promising pharmaceutical effects, it is poorly soluble in aqueous media, and the use of nanocarriers is an effective way to significantly increase its bioavailability. Cur has its own fluorescence, which enables to use it in multifunctional fluorescent nanosystems, for example, with Pluronic® micelles.

The use of the fluorescence method makes it possible to trace the stages of interaction of Cur-loaded NP with cultured cells and their localization in cell organelles.

With this approach, nanoscale dynamics of drug distribution and stability is observed over time.

Conclusions. The main conclusion is that for unstable in the aquatic environment drugs such as Cur, it is necessary to use the most hydrophobic nanostructures without traces of water, which include the nuclei of Pluronic® micelles. This method makes it possible to use other poorly water-soluble drugs.

A promising area of nanomedicine is the creation of complex bio-compatible nanomaterials based on several active drugs that reduce the toxicity of preparations to normal cells.

Key words: multifunctional nanosystems, nanocontainers for medical preparations, curcumin.

© Palladin Institute of Biochemistry of National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, 2021