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ISSN 2410-7751 (Print)
ISSN 2410-776X (Online)

no2 2020

Biotechnologia Acta V. 13, No 3, 2020
Р. 30-44, Bibliography 138, English
Universal Decimal Classification: 519.8.612.007


N. I. Aralova1, O. M. Klyuchko 2, V. I. Mashkin 1 , I. V. Mashkina 1, T. A. Semchyk1

1 Glushkov Institute of Cybernetics of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, Kyiv
2 National Aviation University, Kyiv, Ukraine

The aim of the work was to create a complex mathematical model simulating the course of the disease caused by the SARS-CoV-2 virus on the level of interaction between functional systems of organism and pharmacological correction of organism hypoxic states arising in the complicated course of the disease. In the present work the methods of mathematical modeling and theory of optimal control of moving objects were used. The proposed integrated mathematical model consisted on the mathematical models of functional systems of respiration and blood circulation, thermoregulation, immune response, erythropoesis, and pharmacological correction. Individual patient data were taken for this model, and the disturbing effect in the form of viral disease was simulated. The reactions of functional respiratory and blood circulatory systems were predicted. Partial pressures of respiratory gases in alveolar spaces and their tensions in lung capillaries blood, arterial and mixed venous blood, and tissue fluid were calculated. Further the intravenous injection of antihypoxant was simulated and the values of the same parameters were calculated. In such a way it was possible to choose the most optimal way of hypoxic state correction for any individual. This model is theoretical only for today because the models of respiratory and blood circulation systems were designed for the average person and it does not suppose peculiarities of individual persons infected with SARS-CoV-2. In particular, this concerns the peculiarities of gas exchange in the alveolar space and characteristics of respiratory gases diffusion through the alveolar-capillary and capillary-tissue membranes. However, it is one of possible directions for solving the complex tasks related to treatment of the disease caused by SARS-CoV-2 virus. In the result of the work the complex of information support for the imitation of viral disease course was developed at the level of interaction of organism functional systems, as well as pharmacological correction of caused by it hypoxic states.

Key words: SARS-Cov-2 virus, immune response model, mathematical model of the respiratory system, hypoxic state, infection lesion

© Palladin Institute of Biochemistry of National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, 2020