ISSN 2410-776X (Online)
ISSN 2410-7751 (Print)
"Biotechnologia Acta" V. 12, No 2, 2019
Р. 5-26, Bibliography 179, English
Universal Decimal Classification: 004:591.5:612:616-006
Klyuchko O.M. 1, Aralova A.A.2, Aralova N.I.2
1 Kavetsky Institute of Experimental Pathology, Oncology and Radiobiology of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, Kyiv
2 Glushkov Institute of Cybernetics of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, Kyiv
The purpose of the work was to analyze data about the construction of electronic automated work places for organization of more perfect ones for biotechnology. Methods of program and mathematic simulation, imitation modeling were used for these works. The information about some prototypes of electronic automated work places constructed for biology and linked sciences in Ukraine during the last 25–30 years was discussed. The results of some automated work places constructed by the authors were presented. In conclusion the observed experience was summarized and the set of recommendations for its practical implementation were done.
Key words: electronic automated work places, bioinformatics, electronic information systems, databases.
© Palladin Institute of Biochemistry of National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, 2019
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139. Klyuchko O., Klyuchko Z., Lizunova A. Electronic Noctuidae database: some problems and solutions. Proceed. 16th European Congress of Lepidopterology. Cluj (Romania). 2009, P. 31-32.
140. Klyuchko O., Klyuchko Z., Lizunova A. Noctuidae fauna of Ukrainian Karpathy: results of monitoring (1956-2008). Proceed. 16th European Congress of Lepidopterology. Cluj (Romania). 2009, P. 31.
141. Klyuchko O. M., Beloshitsky P. V. Investigation of insect adaptation characteristics in Prielbrussie in 2004-2005. Mater. VIII World Congress of International Society for Adaptive Medicine (ISAM). Moskva (Russia). 2006, Р. 165-166.
142. Beloshitsky P. V., Klyuchko O. M. Contribution of Sirotinin's school into adaptation medicine. Mater. VIII World Congress of International Society for Adaptive Medicine (ISAM). Moskva (Russia). 2006, Р. 158.
143. Klyuchko O. M., Klyuchko Z. F. Ukrainian Noctuidae Database. Mater. of XIV SEL Congress. Roma (Italy). 2005, P. 49.
144. Klyuchko Z. F., Klyuchko O. M. Noctuidae (Lepidoptera) of Donbass, Ukraine. Mater. of XIV SEL Congress. Roma (Italy). 2005, P. 41-42.
145. Beloshitsky P., Klyuchko O., Onopchuck Yu., Onopchuck G. Mathematic model for hypoxic states development for healthy people and ones with ischemic heart disease. High altitude medicine and biology: Mater. ISMM Congress. Beijing (China). 2004, V. 5, P. 251.
146. Beloshitsky P., Klyuchko O., Kostyuk O., Beloshitsky S. Peculiarities of high mountain factors influence on organism. High altitude medicine and biology: Mater. ISMM Congress. Beijing (China). 2004, V. 5, P. 250.
147. Klyuchko O. M., Kiskin N. I., Krishtal O. A., Tsyndrenko A. Ya. Araneidae toxins as antagonists of excitatory amino acid responses in isolated hippocampal neurons. X School on biophysics of membrane transport. Szczyrk (Poland). 1990, V. 2, P. 271.
148. Akaike N., Kawai N., Kiskin N. I., Krishtal O. A., Tsyndrenko A. Ya., Klyuchko O. M. Spider toxin blocks excitatory amino acid responses in isolated hippocampal pyramidal neurons. Neurosci. Lett. 1987, V. 79, P. 326-330.
149. Gonchar O., Klyuchko O., Beloshitsky P. Ways of myocardial metabolic disorders correction at hypoxia by new pharmacological preparations. High altitude medicine and biology: Mater. ISMM Congress. Beijing (China). 2004, V. 5, P. 249.
150. Gonchar O., Klyuchko E., cMankovskaya I. Role of complex nucleosides in the reversal of oxidative stress and metabolic disorders induced by acute nitrite poisoning. Ind. J. Pharmacol. 2006, 38 (6), 414-418.
151. Gonchar O., Klyuchko E., Seredenko M., Oliynik S. Corrections of prooxidant - antioxidant homeostasis of organism under hypoxia of different genesis by yackton, new pharmacological preparation. Acta Physiol. Pharmacol. Bulg. 2003, V. 27, P. 53-58.
152. Klyuchko O. M., Tzal-Tzalko V. I. Elaboration of new monitoring system for Ukrainian Polissia conditions with data defence. Bulletin of Engineering Academy. 2014, V. 2, P. 239-246. (In Ukrainian).
153. Klyuchko O. M., Piatchanina T. V., Mazur M. G., Basarak O. V. Ontological methods in the development of biomedical information systems. "Integrated intellectual robototechnical complexes" - "IIRTC-2018": Materials of ХІ Intl. Scient. Tech. Conference. 2018, P. 270-272. (In Ukrainian).
154. Klyuchko O. M., Piatchanina T. V., Mazur M. G., Basarak O. V. Elaboration of networkbased biomedical systems with databases. "Integrated intellectual robototechnical complexes" - "IIRTC-2018": Materials of ХІ Intl. Scient. Tech. Conference. 2018, P. 273-274. (In Ukrainian).
155. Aralova N. I., Klyuchko O. M. Mathematic modeling of functional self-organization of pilots' respiratory systems. "Integrated intellectual robototechnical complexes" - "IIRTC-2018": Materials of ХІ Intl. Scient. Tech. Conference. 2018, P. 268-269. (In Ukrainian).
156. Klyuchko Z. F., Klyuchko O. M. Monitoring of the diversity of Noctuidae (Lepidoptera) fauna in Ukrainian Polissia. "Nature of Polissia: investigation and protection": Materials of Intl. Scient. Conference. 2014, P. 498-502. (In Ukrainian).
157. Klyuchko Z. F., Klyuchko O. M., Lizunova A. G. Monitoring of Noctuidae fauna of Ukraine using electronic information systems. "Nature of Polissia: investigation and protection": Materials of Intl. Scient. Conference. 2014, P. 261-265. (In Ukrainian).
158. Biloshitsky P. V., Klyuchko O. M. Studying of sport medicine problems at Elbrus Medical and Biological Station. World Congress in Mountain Medicine. Chronic Hypoxia Symposium. LaPaz, Bolivia. Feb 23-Mar 2, 2019. P. 18.
159. Aralova N. I., Biloshitsky P. V., Klyuchko O. M. Mathematical models of system mechanisms of organism adaptation to hypoxia. World Congress in Mountain Medicine. Chronic Hypoxia Symposium. LaPaz, Bolivia. Feb 23-Mar 2, 2019. P. 17.
160. Klyuchko O. М., Klyuchko Z. F. Electronic databases for Arthropods: methods and applications. Biotechnol. acta. 2018, 11 (4), 28-49.
161. Klyuchko O. М., Klyuchko Z. F. Electronic information systems for monitoring of populations and migrations of insects. Biotechnol. acta. 2018, 11 (5), 5-25.
162. Klyuchko O. М. Expert systems for biology and medicine. Biotechnol. аcta. 2018, 11 (6), 5-28.
163. Klyuchko O. М. Biotechnical information systems for monitoring of chemicals in environment: biophysical approach. Biotechnol. аcta. 2019, 12 (1), 5-28.
164. Klyuchko O. M., Biletsky A. Ya., Navrotskyi D. O. Method of bio-sensor test system application. Patent UA 129923 U, G01N33/00, G01N33/50, C12Q 1/02. Priority: 22.03.2018, u201802896, Issued: 26.11.2018, Bull. 22, 7 p. (In Ukrainian)
165. Klyuchko O. M., Biletsky A. Ya., Navrotskyi D. O. Method of application of biotechnical monitoring system with biosensor (biosensor test system). Patent UA 132245 U; G01N33/50. Priority: 22. 03. 2018 u201802893, Issued: 25.02. 2019, Bull. 4, 7 p. (In Ukrainian).
166. Klyuchko O. M., Biletsky A. Ya., Navrotskyi D. O. Method of application of biotechnical monitoring system with biosensor and subsystem for optical registration. Patent UA 129922 U, G01N33/50. Priority: 22. 03. 2018, u201802894 Issued: 26. 11. 2018, Bull. 22, 10 p. (In Ukrainian).
167. Klyuchko O. M. Method of application of biotechnical monitoring system for bioindicators' accounting with biosensor and sub-system for optical registration. Patent UA 129987 U, G01N33/00, C12Q 1/02, C12N 15/00. Priority: 27. 04. 2018, u201804662: Issued: 26.11.2018, Bull. 22, 11 p. (In Ukrainian).
168. Klyuchko O. M. Method for cells' dissociation. Patent UA 130672 U, G01N 33/00, C12Q 1/02, C12N 15/00. Priority: 27. 04. 18, u201804668, Issued: 26. 12. 2018, Bull. 24, 7 p. (In Ukrainian).
169. Klyuchko O. M., Biletsky A. Ya., Navrotskyi D. Method of application of biotechnical monitoring system with expert subsystem and biosensor. Patent UA 131863 U; G01N33/00, C12Q 1/02, C12N 15/00. Priority: 27. 04. 18, u201804663, Issued: 11. 02. 2019, Bull. 3, 7 p. (In Ukrainian).
170. Klyuchko O. M. Method of qualitative analysis of chemical substances. Patent UA 131016 U, G01N33/50, G01N21/78, C12Q 1/60. Priority: 11. 05. 2018, u201805174, Issued: 10. 01. 2019, Bull. 1. (In Ukrainian).
171. Klyuchko O. M., Biletsky A. Ya., Navrotskyi D. A. Method of quantitative analysis of chemical substances. Patent UA 131524 U; G01N33/50, G01N21/78, C12Q 1/60. Priority: 11. 05. 2018, u201805175, Issued: 25. 01. 2019, Bull. 2, 10 p. (In Ukrainian).
172. Klyuchko O. M., Biletsky A. Ya. Method of qualitative analysis of chemical substances for the influence on electrical currents in bioobjects. Patent UA; G01N 33/50, G01N 21/78, C12Q 1/60. Priority: May 2018, u201806345. (In Ukrainian)
173. Klyuchko O. M., Biletsky A. Ya. Method of qualitative analysis of hydrocarbons with a high and toxic effect on bioobjects. Patent UA 133676 U; G01N 33/50, G01N 21/78. Priority: 06.06.2018, u201806342, Issued: 25.04.2019, Bull. 8, 10 p. (In Ukrainian)
174. Klyuchko O. M., Biletsky A. Ya., Navrots kyi D. O. Method of monitoring of chemical substances' infuences on organisms in few time intervals. Patent UA; G01N33/00, C12Q 1/02. Priority: 14. 12. 2018, u201812443. (In Ukrainian).
175. Klyuchko O. M., Biletsky A. Ya., Shutko V. N. Method for constructing and testing of physical molecular memory in anisotropic media with molecules - derivatives of phenol. Patent UA; H01B1/121, G01N33/00, C12Q 1/02. Priority: 14. 12. 2018, u201812430. (In Ukrainian).
176. Klyuchko O. M., Biletsky A. Ya., Lizunov G. V., Shutko V. N. Method of electrical signals generating by bio-elements in the technical hybrid system. Patent UA; A61N1/326, G01N33/00, C12Q 1/02. Priority: 14. 12. 2018, u201812442. (In Ukrainian).
177. Klyuchko O. M., Biletsky A. Ya., Lizunov G. V., Shutko V. N. Method for application of the system of large-scale monitoring of bioobjects with possibility of their radar control. Patent UA; G01N33/00, G01S13/88, C12N 15/00. Priority: 14. 12. 2018, u201812444. (In Ukrainian).
178. Klyuchko O. M., Biletsky A. Ya., Lizunov G. V., Piankova O. V. Method of application of biosensor test-system with databases. Patent UA; G01N33/00, C12Q 1/02. Priority: 17. 01. 2019, u201900476. (In Ukrainian).
179. Klyuchko O. M., Biletsky A. Ya., Lizunov G. V., Piankova O. V. Method of application of monitoring system with biosensor and databases. Patent UA; G01N33/00, C12Q 1/02, G06F11/20. Priority: 17. 01. 2019, u201900476. (In Ukrainian).