"Biotechnologia Acta" V. 10, No 2, 2017
Р. 67-74, Bibliography 21, English
Universal Decimal Classification: 616+631.95:631.445.2/.4+633
N. O. Ryzhenko1, V. M. Kavetsky2
1State Ecological Academy of Post-Graduate Education and Management, Kyiv
2National University of Kyiv-Mohylanska Academy
The aim of investigation was to develop a new approach in Cd, Zn, Cu, Pb phytotoxicity assessing. This approach provided the probit analysis using. Methods included probit analysis, thin layer chromatography, statistical methods (calculation of the least significant difference, correlation analysis). We applied «doze-effect» model to obtain the ranking of the metals according to their phytotoxicity in spring barley field. We offered to estimate the phytotoxicity by PhLD50 index. Research results were: graphic formalization of "dose-effect" dependence and calculation of phytotoxic doses (PhLD50 and PhLD95) for Cd, Cu, Pb, Zn in polluted soil. According to PhLD50 value we conducted a comparative assessment of Cd, Cu, Pb, Zn phytotoxicity relatively to spring barley. According to PhLD50 value metals could be ranked: Cd> Cu> Pb> Zn. The most toxic metal was Cd. PhLD values, on which the estimation of metals phytotoxicity, were: Cd – 50, Cu –129, Pb –537, Zn –603 mg / kg mobile forms in turf-podzol sandy loam soil. Our findings are relevant to estimating the metal hazard and controlling the condition of the crop growth.
Keywords: heavy metals, phytotoxicity, probit analysis.
© Palladin Institute of Biochemistry of National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, 2017
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