ISSN 1995-5537
"Biotechnology" journal Vol. 3, No. 1, 2010
Р. 62-66, Bibliography 5, Ukrainian.
Universal Decimal classification: 573.6.086.83:51-7; 573.6.086.83:007
«Lviv Polytechniсa» National University
Using the iterativy method of calculation it is possible to combine correctly the Maltous model for unlimited growth of biomasse at permanent concentration and specific speed of growth with the Monod model that foresees the variable quantity of this speed. By a new model which is more informative as regard to biochemistry than the Ferhulst model of logistic curve, it is possible to expect the volume of a batch-fermenter and optimum time of fermentation.
Key words: Maltous and Ferhulst biomass grouth models, Monod equation, Maltous Monod iterative model.
© Palladin Institute of Biochemistry of National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, 2008