Category: 6_2016(en)
Hits: 585

"Biotechnologia Acta" V. 9, No 6, 2016
Р. 58-71, Bibliography 13, English
Universal Decimal Classification:  504.064.3:574 (477.42)

6 2016 


L. D. Romanchuck, T. P. Fedonyuk, R. G. Fedonyuk, А. A. Petruk

Zhytomyr National Agroecological University, Ukraine

The aim of the research was the hydrophyte water purification method testing, water purification effect determination, also of the allowable loads of the most toxic pollutants on higher aquatic plants under conditions of modeling laboratory systems and advanced ways of processed phytomass use.

The results of hydrophyte water purification are presented, different types of higher aquatic plants under laboratory systems of water quality formation impact are analyzed, the water purification effect and the prospective ways of phytomass waste use are determined. The hydrophyte load use according to all studied variants showed a positive trend concerning the improvement of all the water quality indicators studied, and the cleaning from pollutants effect according to some indicators was more than 80%. The aquatic plants biomass can be used not only for obtaining from meliorant wastewater but also in various economic sectors – as feed additive for farm animals.

Ключові слова: phytomelioration, hydrophytes, purification effect, chemical pollution, domestic waste water.

© Palladin Institute of Biochemistry of National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, 2016